Click on the project to which you wish to integrate a new member from the general navigation bar :
Then click on Team on the white menu to the right of the navigation bar :
You will then arrive at the intra-project resource management view :
To add a resource to the project, click + Resource at the top right of your screen.
Then choose the type of resource you want to add :
To add a human resource :
Click on From Planzone :
You will then be able to:
- Select a collaborator from the list of Planzone resources
- Assign him a role
Click on “Add” to validate the operation.
To add a hardware resource :
Click Hardware Resource :
You will then be able to :
- Name the resource
- Add a description to it
Click on “Create” to validate the operation.
To add a virtual resource :
Click Virtual Resource :
You will then be able to :
- Name the resource
- Assign him a role
- Tell him a function
Click on “Create” to validate the operation.